This year we have become quite the little farmers. In addition to our large gardens, we have been raising our own cow, pig, turkey and chicken with our neighbor, Loreen, who owns E-I-E-I-OM Farm on Vashon. (A great place to rent for a week in the country. Just a little plug for Loreen!)
Vegetarian Alert...Although my family and I are meet eaters, we believe in happy and healthy animals as well as a diet largely based on plants.
Early this year we had our first experience butchering chickens. My husband grew up on a farm and was very comfortable with this. I, on the other hand, was not so comfortable. I like my meat in the freezer wrapped in plastic. This was going to be a learning experience!
My husband built a chicken plucker, called The Whiz Bang.
and I thought it would be fun to document the event with some pictures and ultimately a book.
Another Vegetarian Alert...No animals were tortured, all were humanely treated. If you are squeamish, do not look at the following pictures. Although, I did not include any really gruesome images.