Do you remember those old B/W photographs of your Grandparents and Great-Grandparents? The images of a wedding day, Grandma and Grandpa standing next to each other looking serious, or an entire family sitting around a small table and chair in a studio all dressed in their best clothes, or perhaps a young debutante looking proud and getting ready to make her entrance onto the world. Those images had a quiet, timelessness about them, as well as a beautiful and simple artfulness.
I have a whole collection of them from my family's history and love looking at them. These pictures are our family heirlooms that we treasure and keep safe. Having a photograph taken was a big deal back in the day. It cost a lot and was an event that was done infrequently, but they were highly valued as part of a family's history. Most were hung very prominently in their homes. They were proud to show off their family.
With the advent of the digital age, photographs have become a dime-a-dozen. The family heirloom photograph has disappeared and been replaced with the family snapshots. Snapshots are a great way to document daily life, vacations, and family gatherings. But what about the images you want to pass down to the next generations?
As a family and wedding photographer, I have been disturbed by this growing trend. At Rebecca Douglas Photography, it is my goal to create your family's heirloom. Yes, it may cost a bit more than the box chain stores or even the photographer next door, but you will receive a

It is important to me, as your family photographer to make sure the family heirloom stays alive...for the sake