It's that time of year again when high school seniors start getting that far away, dreamy look in their eyes. Summer is coming, collage applications are done, and just a few more finals to go!
Seniors start handing out wallets of their senior portrait to friends, or maybe they are passing around these new, way cool mini storybooks of their senior sessions. A portrait session for most Seniors now-a-days is so much more than a stiff, formal, studio session.
Sorry Mom and Dad!
They want to move around, show off their personalities, go to their favorite "hang out" spots. I don't blame them...this is a big moment in their lives. They are standing on the edge of the rest of their lives. It's scary, exciting, and liberating. A story book or collection of images that illustrate who they are right now is the perfect thing for them (and Mom) to carry with them as they embark on the future.
All you Juniors out there....Don't waste any time! Summer is the perfect time to get your Senior portraits done. It'll be fun. I promise!